Monday, January 27, 2020

Research Designs and Methods Assessment

Research Designs and Methods Assessment Shallene K Green Research Designs and Method There are three most commonly used research designs used in human lifespan development research. These designs are used widely to test traits and characteristics in human development. They include cross-sectional, longitudinal and cross-cultural designs (Toplak, West Stanovich, 2014). To understand each design, is to look at how each can change and affect a life. Cross-sectional research design is a method used by researchers to study humans of different ages who have the same character and trait of interest at a single time. Researchers obtain the information that is currently seen in a population, but they do not change the variables. This research design explains the traits that exist within a population, but they do not show the cause and effect relation between variables. In addition, the design allows researchers to look at various things at once such as income and poverty among others (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). A longitudinal research design is a study that observes one group of a population at different times. In this study, the researcher follows the same group of subjects during various stages of development to measure variables. Cross-cultural study involves the comparison of groups from different cultures. This is a very important way of measuring human development. People may vary largely depending on cultures, and behaviors. (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). Throughout their lives, humans undergo various stages of development. Studies are very important in understanding how humans learn, act and mature (Toplak, West Stanovich, 2014). To understand the difference and apply the learnings it to better understand humans. Research studies are very important in learning things such as social stereotype. The knowledge of stereotypes increases with the advancement in age, and it means that younger children may not know some of these stereotypes. For example, there might be a stereotype that football should be played by the boys but not girls. Younger children may not be exposed to this stereotype and, therefore, cannot make a judgment. This creates a pattern in that younger children do not have this bias, but older children will have formed an opinion (WU, Hillman, 2013). A trend in older and mature humans are more error prone than at a younger age. If children are made aware of this stereotype, they may as well lead them to making conjunction errors. The knowledge of this stereotype is apparently known to older ages than in younger ages (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). What is found is that thinking capacity largely varies with age. A study showed most young ages struggle a lot with reading and often use a lot of efforts to understand or even respond. Older ages find reading easy and effortless as more of a second nature. These changes are well observed throughout the growing and gaining of a child, and periods are established with developmental trends (WU Hillman, 2013). Different methods offer numerous ways which the scientist uses to get information. In a cross-sectional study, the researcher will use interviews to get information on a certain trait in an age group, and it will be used it to compare with another age group (van de Weijer, Van Cleempoel, Heynen, 2014). Interviews are mainly conducted in the initial stages of a project. This information obtained through interviews might be valuable but may not be valid since it is subjective (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). In a longitudinal study, a researcher may opt to use observation methods to obtain information. This method measures the changes in traits and characteristics at different times while be watched. Observation is a very reliable method since the information gathered is not subjective, but it is based on what the researcher sees and observes to report (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). Across cultural studies, literature reviews collect information. Since this study compares different traits in different cultures, the scientist may refer to past studies that have been conducted regarding the cultures in question. Literature materials will include newspapers, magazines, reports and any other published materials. This method is well preferred because it is not expensive (WU Hillman, 2013). A study conducted in a high school showed that games and gaming culture could become a problem that may initially be complex to be fun filled. Gaming culture was also established to make an unfamiliar task appear familiar. This was by providing a language that students could understand. The students could easily use the gaming language to communicate with each other which made it fun filled. Findings showed that high school students could understand given feedback from other students who were younger. It clearly showed that negative remarks badly affected them. What was shown is that students have to believe that they have in possession the competence required to perform a task (WU Hillman, 2013). A observation method that has it strengths and limitations. Its strengths arise from the fact that the researcher gets firsthand information. It provides access to people in real life situation. Its limitation is its too subjective and depends on the role of the researcher (WU Hillman, 2013). The interview has its strength in that it enables the researcher to capture verbal and non-verbal cues. The major limitation of interviews is that it is too costly (Burns, 2014). Video recordings provide accurate and up to date information that is so useful to the researcher only that it is so expensive (WU Hillman, 2013). The changing economic and social context has been a factor influencing outcomes of human development. Households and families have largely been changing to respond to the economic and social changes (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). There has been changing perspectives on the family diversity. Some researchers have thought that small families are easy to maintain than larger families. And with research it can direct or change the thought of families going forward. References Burns Cunningham, K. (2014). Social research design: framework for integrating philosophical and practical elements. Nurse Researcher, 22(1), 32-37. (Toplak, M. E, West, RF, Stanovich, K.E. 2014) rational thinking and cognitive sophistication: van de Weijer, M., Van Cleempoel, K., Heynen, H. (2014). Positioning Research and Design in Academia and Practice: A Contribution to a Continuing Debate. Design Issues, 30(2), 17-29. WU, C, Hillman, C.H. (2013).aerobic fitness and the attentional blink preadolescent children. Neuropsychology, 27(6), 642-653

Saturday, January 18, 2020

I deserve to be a Scholar Essay

To pass Education in UST is really an achievement for me. Before I took up the examination, I was so scared because, even though I am confident that I can manage to answer the exam, I am still afraid that I may not be able to have a slot because I am one of the applicants of the last batch. After passing the examination, I really regret that I failed to reserve my slot between the date I received the results up to the deadline of reservation. So, the moment the Dean of Education allowed me to have a late reservation for my slot in UST, I really felt absolute happiness and thanksgiving that finally, I am able to study on a decent and known school. Being asked by my classmates to teach them everytime they get trouble in studying makes me glad and pleasured. But you know what? There is a side that makes me confuse of choosing the course, Education. Why? Because many of my relatives, my father, and even the parents of my classmates said that Education doesn’t suit my intelligence. I deserve more. A higher degree and profession. They always recommend me medicine but well, I do like medicine and I really dreamt to be a doctor someday back to childhood days but its not the course I really prioritize right now. It’s not what do my heart and soul says. Maybe because I know that we cannot afford it and in reality, it takes too long to graduate. Moreover, I am finally decided to myself that I want to teach because I was inspired by my late Mommy Joyce who is a LET passer and to my teachers that’s looks like enjoying the work they have. And in addition I really love teaching that’s why its final that I will focus in BS Education to be my course in College. It seems that teaching is a really nice profession and I imagine of going to a classroom full of students and be able to teach them and afterwards developed a professional one someday. To be offered such kind of scholarship makes me overwhelmed and confident of myself. It makes me think that I am so gifted to be given such glorious award. As I thought, I don’t need a scholarship because I am thinking that more people deserve this more than I do and I already credited my scholarship for being the Valedictorian so I am thinking that maybe, it’s already enough. But then, I realized that working abroad to earn a living for your two daughters and as well as aming for them to study in a good school is such a hard job for my mom. So I was thinking that this opportunity might be a way to lessen the burden to my mom and to be given such additional scholarship would be a really big help for my college degree. Most of my mother’s childhood friends told me that my parents are really good in academics that’s why they think I inherited my intelligence form them. My mother also shared some of her memories and hardships she’d encountered and suffered when she was a student. She experienced being a laundrywoman to earn money for her to finish college and it was really hard for her not to eat sometimes just to save money for her projects and learning materials. According to her, there will be no success if you haven’t faced hardships at all. She always asked me to study hard for us not to have the same fate as hers. Because of her I am so persistent to study hard and finish my studies. I told myself that if I will be able to study without her financial support, it will be a big relief for her. Since my sister is studying as an Engineer at Mapua, she said that if I push studying in UST, her salary won’t be enough to sustain both of us as well as the expenses in our house and daily living. I cannot ask for my father’s help either cause he already have a new family and what he can get from his job is just enough for them. I believe that sholarships are granted for those students who has a potential and I am confident that I am one of tho se because back in highschool days, I have maintained a high and well good grades, participated in various organizations, active in school affairs, helpful to the teachers, loyal to my alma mater and even showed cooperation in my community. I always worry of having low grades and I really work hard in every little thing I do. I remember those nights that I am wide awake studying my lessons and reviewing for examinations. I am also a consistent honor student of my school. When I was in highschool, I always wanted to be a part of those programs and contests. Among my classmates, I am usually the one sent by my school as a representative on some events and contests like quizbee. In fact, I was awarded to be the Most Active of my class. I also received some special awards from our City Mayor for the completion of the days being an Imus Youth. I recite well during class hours and I even tutor my classmates before finals. With those moments and achievement I had in my highschool days, I a m proudly saying that I deserve to have this scholarship and I know that my characteristics made me a competitive applicant for this. That’s why, if blessed, I want to have this scholarship for I know that I am responsible enough, committed to my studies and my aims and goals in life would always bring me to success because I wholeheartedly waste my full and best effort in doing everything to achieve what I want. I never surrender and stop until I get what I want and I always do my best just to maintain high and good grades. Through this scholarship, I would be able to achieve my dream of becoming a professional teacher someday that’s why I will do everything so that I will not lose this scholarship. Most of all, whith the confidence and determination I have as a student, I believe that granting me this award won’t be a waste at all.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Case Study: a Perky Way to Productivity Essay

1.The importance of employee benefits as a strategic component of fulfilling the goals of HRM is to produce quality workers and to keep turnovers at a minimal. Although many benefits are not legally required, it is important for companies to keep up with competition and know how to get and keep their employees. Working as a Human Resource Manager I must know what motivates and attracts quality workers, with most the paycheck is just not enough, they also require benefits or perks to stay or come with a company. Using benefits as a strategic component helps enhance the effectiveness, morale, productivity and achievement of goals. Employees tend to be more motivated to work when they feel they are attended to. When they can feel that they have benefited from the organization, they become loyal to an employer and will stay from moving to other organizations. Savings due to retention overthrown the benefit costs thus make the organization a workplace with more income. Through employee benefits, goals to fulfill goals of HRM are achieved in efficient and effective ways. I wouldn’t want to run the company as a tyrant any ways and one must make their employees happy as rewards for all their hard work to help you achieve the company goals. The company wouldn’t lose out of this if set up properly. If profit or production is not high enough then perks/rewards/benefits couldn’t be offered. The employee would have to have stipulations but both side benefits as long as work is being produced. 2.Genentech and Zappos are using employee benefits as a motivating tool by offering benefits that keep them from being distracted and to not worry. Obviously Genentech has done a great job of this by celebrating their 11th year on Fortune’s â€Å"Best Places to Work† list. This company understands it takes more than just money to motivate their workers. The desire of being accepted and appreciated is equally if not more important, and Genentech has found ways to show its’ employees this and more. Genentech keeps their workers from being distracted or keeps their employees secured so they can concentrate on producing for Genentech such as, unlimited sick leave, onsite nurses, & so many more things. An undistracted employee is most likely a safe employee and stay focused in work activities. While at Zappos they give their employees on-site child care, on-site lunches, & sending employees home with prepared dinners as rewards for longevity that their employees put in. Zappos motivates their workers to put in the hours and in return their meals are prepared for them so no worries on taking the time to figure out what to eat and getting it prepared, it’s no done all for them. Some employees won’t have to worry about rushing to pick up their kids at the sitters or if they see their kids enough, they can actually bring their kids to work and they are there with them†¦in a sense. This takes such a weight off some employees they can concentrate completely on work and producing. 3.I believe the incentive benefits such as those offered at Genentech and Zappos can be used in other organizations. They can implement the exact same benefits or change it up so it actually benefits their employee’s wants. In their organization. Most companies already know that the happier their employees are the more they produce and work for the company. Of course with every good thing there will be the share of those that try to take advantage of the benefits but in the most part in works and produces positive outcomes. However not every organization will use the same benefits package, they would have to see what‘s in their budget and what would make their employees happy. Also, I found in a few companies that benefits are not offered and they have a few loyal employees. I tried to figure this one out and it just seems the relationship is family like with owner, as a comfort level has been built. I guess in a way this would be a benefit because things can be excused from being so close. But once again it goes into a happy employee produces well and works well.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Biography of Jill Biden Professor, Former Second Lady

Jill Biden (born Jill Tracy Jacobs on June 3, 1951) is a professor and former Second Lady of the United States. She has championed Americas military families, promoted the importance of community colleges and technical instruction within U.S. higher education, and brought attention to breast cancer prevention. She is married to former Vice President Joseph R. Biden. Fast Facts: Jill Biden Known For: Former Second Lady of the United StatesBorn: June 3, 1951 in Hammonton, New JerseyParents Names: Bonny and Donald JacobsEducation: University of Delaware (B.A., English), West Chester University (M.A., Reading), University of Delaware (Ed.D., Education)Occupation: ProfessorSpouses Name: Joe BidenChildrens Names: Ashley Jacobs (daughter), Hunter and Beau Biden (stepsons) Early Years Jill Biden (nà ©e Jacobs) was born on June 3, 1951 in Hammonton, New Jersey. Her father, Donald Jacobs, was a bank teller, and her mother, Bonny Jacobs, was a homemaker. The eldest of five sisters, Biden spent most of her early years in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia. She graduated from Upper Moreland High School in Montgomery County in 1969, then went on to earn a bachelors degree in English from the University of Delaware in 1975. Marriage and Personal Life Jill met Joe Biden in 1975 on a blind date arranged by Joe Bidens brother. The pair married in 1977, a little more than two years later. It was the second marriage for both of them. Joes first wife, Neilia Hunter, had died in a vehicle crash four years earlier, and Jills first marriage, to Bill Stevenson, had ended in divorce in 1976. Jill Biden has said during interviews that she was initially reluctant to marry Joe because of the tragic death of his first wife and its impact on the couples two young sons: â€Å"I said, ‘Not yet. Not yet. Not yet.’ Because by that time, of course, I had fallen in love with the boys, and I really felt that this marriage had to work. Because they had lost their mom, and I couldn’t have them lose another mother. So I had to be 100 percent sure.† Legacy and Impact Bidens career as a teacher includes decades of work in public-school classrooms and community colleges, which she continued to champion as the second lady. Her legacy will also include her status as the first second lady to continue her career while her husband served as vice president. Bidens 2009 announcement that his wife would teach English at Northern Virginia Community College during his first term office drew headlines.  I have always believed in the power of community colleges to endow students with critical life skills, and I am pleased that I can make a difference by doing what I love to do, teaching people who are excited to learn, Biden said in a White House press release. Jill Bidens legacy also includes championing the sacrifices of military families through the launch of Joining Forces, which seeks to help veterans and spouses find jobs, and advocating for early detection of breast cancer among women through the Biden Breast Health Initiative. Biden has said her role model is Eleanor Roosevelt, whom she has called a true humanitarian and champion of womens rights and civil rights. Sources Hi, Im Jill. Jill Biden. But please, call me Dr. Biden, The Los Angeles Times, Feb. 2, 2009.Jill Biden Heads Toward Life in the Spotlight, The New York Times, Aug. 24, 2008.Jill Biden Biography, The White House.